I was surprised to see they dont get 36 hours leave after Graduation. As for phone calls. Now I know that its just because he is extremely busy.. so I guess No News is Good News! The only way to prepare someone for combat is to create the same types of stresses that they may encounter during war. You shouldnt have any worries here. Other question is how do we find out his family day/graduation date and also his address so we can write him.? Please let me know if you have any further questions. Rule #1 the other coast is always easier He will eventually learn that the Corps is his home and family. Not all Marines are Infantry, but the Marines consider every Marine a rifleman. Be prepared to be treated like crap at East coast MCT. https://www.quora.com/Is-Marine-SOI-easier-or-harder-than-the-Marine-Corps-boot-camp, https://www.reddit.com/r/USMCboot/comments/amx1b3/what_to_expect_at_mct/, Your email address will not be published. but like i said unless they have changed. I may be able to get you more details regarding it. After graduating from boot camp, Marines earn a day of travel and ten days of leave. If anyone is looking for a grad schedule it is now up on the MCT website. What if they have been asked to do recruiters assistance?? This training is a 29-day infantry training through the School of Infantry. He can request to take leave. At Its the worst part of MCT. Not that Marines dont respect Navy personnel, but there would be a higher bond having experienced this portion of training. Students are limited to Base Liberty Only and can not leave New River Air Station.. 7:45am 8:30am Parents and Visitors are encouraged to meet with the Marine Combat Training Battalion Commander and Sergeant Major for a Parents Orientation at the Camp Geiger Recreation Center loacted at the building TC-1005 (map located at the bottom of the page). Fun stuff. Some of the items include: Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Hello, my boyfriend is already away at MCT East. We just received our second correspondence from our son who will be completing his 4th week of training (phase 1). He only called once while in MCT and that was last Saturday evening while I was at church. Sleep did not matter. Also, you begin weapons training. Camp Geiger 2022 MCT Graduation Dates (NOTE: On smaller devices, slide table below to the right to see complete information) Class Start Date Graduation Date Company Hello, my brother just left for MCT on Tuesday February 1, 2011. he checked in around 1 o clock that tuesday. I can honestly say Im excited about the whole idea, but very nervous. The punish all because of the acts of one has LITERALLY no learning curve, purpose, or long-term positive logic behind it. Related Article Marine Infantry MOS Guide. i have gotten one phone call, which was 2 minutes so i couldnt say much or ask. A good reason to drive 10 hrs. he didnt sound upset on the answering machine but im still worried Now as far as the comparision of east and west cost, again I was there when all the changes were coming down range (excuse the pun) rest assured the training is the same. I also am very aware that each platoon is different, each company is different, and each battalion is different. were so old we have a kid whos graduating boot camp any time now, so good scoop. Sometimes I think that it is not just done to strengthen our military people but also to instill discipline to each of them which could be of great help. he graduates the 13th of December and i know they have to go straight to MOS after this. Great to see this as there was no MCT in the proverbial old Corps . For west coast Marines MCT is conducted at Camp Pendleton, California and Camp Geiger, N.C., for east coast Marines. I appreciate it. Camp lejeune training schedule As a member of the U Child 3-9 All days must be used by 16 December 2022 11/16/21 4-Day Park Hopper $326 5-Day Park Hopper $346 4-Day Park Hopper & Genie + Camp Lejeune's All Points Travel: 1-800-660-4285 Camp Camp lejeune training schedule how to get haste 1000 in minecraft ncg list. God Bless you.. all the best!! http://www.kevinwebb22.com/marine-combat-training-2/marine-combat-training-mct-graduation-visitors-information, Thank you so much I really apprieciate it. I was always hungry at boot camp. Do you not receive the same brief over and over and over again because someone (after receiving the same briefs) still gets a DUI over a payday weekend? I just want to say that as a new Marines wife it is so good to read all this stuff. The exams at MCT are similar to boot camp exams. He is going to MCT-East. Id rather have my daughter work as a prostitute in a crack house than have my son join the Army. What time is their base liberty on Family Day at MCT? Photo ID like a driver's license, passport, etc. Any advice on bootcamp? The platoon trains mixed-gender, but the females live in separate barracks. (Friday) The same goes for the argument of service branch. Family and friends are still encouraged to send Letters as a form of communication during this training. This training is a 29-day infantry training through the School of Infantry. I was hoping to get to see her for at least the thanksgiving holiday. I hope this helps shed some light! Are you referring to holiday leave? Youll be issued additional gear outside of the basics that you received at Boot Camp. Once an OFFICIAL updated schedule is available, we will add them to the charts below. After a weekend of liberty you had MOS assignments and orders, they issued tickets then, seems like now Marines got to arrange and pay to get where the Corps send them. :-/. Yes, we trained for 16 hours a day. Just wait for the steam to simmer off of them before putting them in an enclosed area. Flying down for graduation so that we can see him a whole 2 hrs. My son leaves for Ft Geiger tomorrow. 2013-2014 MCT Graduation Dates (pdf) Also, would you be so kind as to include a list of other reputable websites that I, and others, can go to for more information? Now, obviously, I can not speak for every MCT instructor but my goal was to save at least one life each class. However, the actual graduation date is March 4th. Im also assuming that the DIs are trained to see these flaws and do what is necessary to remedy them. Your Marines MCT graduation date will be on a Tuesday, 29 days after his check-in date or his class-up date (if he is held in a waiting platoon). He called me that night to let me know that he had arrived safely but I havent heard from him since. And if the West Coast trainees get the weekends off, do the weekends not count for the 29 days? Nothing on this post should offend you, and I feel the same way about MCT now as I did 2 years ago. my daughter leaves Monday for east coast MCT. I was wondering why you would have this sight here, isnt this going against opsec, not only endangering those marine lives that are there now but future generation. Can you please let me know which day his family day and graduation day will be? In the case of MCT (or any training base for that matter) sometimes the platoon (or company or even battalion) commander can issue restrictions on outside communications (cell phones, emails, etc). I'm not sure an up-to-date MCT schedule even exists. Marine Corps Boot Camp consists of four main phases. Very unlikely that they will have time to write mail though. Topics include rifle and medium machine gun marksmanship, physical conditioning and other basic infantry skills. For now, they have you hiking out to Camp Devil Dog on the 2nd day, supposedly because it makes it more similar to a field environment, and you stay there for most of your training. The below information has been compiled from my first-hand experiences at MCT SOI East Coast at Camp Geiger, NC. Operation Military Kids was founded to be a resource for teens and young adults who are interested in joining the military, but don't know where to begin. Not all Marines are Infantry, but the Marines consider every Marine a rifleman. His MOS is about 52 weeks long according to his Recruiter and I was wondering if since we are married is there any way I can live with him during MOS or at least on thr base since it is so long. Marine Combat Training is located at Camp Pendleton in California and Camp Geiger in North Carolina. The Marine Combat Training schedule recently just changed from 22 training days to 29 training days. I attended MCT from 2010 January 26 2010 February 23. Do you know where shell go to school? He left for MCT in Jacksonville on March 21st but day 1 was March 22nd. Since he didnt class up till 2 weeks later, will he still get RA? I have seen people go UA, jump off buildings, drink Brasso and even bash their knees in with rocks to get a discharge. Its more like phase 4 of boot camp. Since the majority of training is conducted in the field during the 29 days of MCT, Marines will not always have access to their phones. If your family is within 5 hours (my wife drove 8 because she REALLY loves me), then have them come. The distance is the same, but the MCT hike seemed a bit more demanding than the boot camp crucible hike. Fleece Top He was asked to stay on in Jacksonville until the end of April (doing what he did not know) and then attend a fire fighting course for three months in Dallas,Texas. July 18, 2022 - Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022 Update. Yes, everything that they take from Boot Camp pretty much needs to go with them to MCT. Are you east or west coast? Any infomration you can provide would be greatly appreciated. I have not recieved this. They will come back this Friday. ITB has a mission to train infantry Marines for 59 days. Take advantage of any down time to eat chow, use the head, and make friends. my Marine said they might be able to get there phones back when they get there.. do you think that is just a rumor he heard? Powered by WordPress. Dakota, contact me at the link below and Ill help you the best I can. My boyfriend just left for MCT this week and I was all worried that I wasnt going to be able to see him. Heyyy Kevin I was wondering on something. Your Marines MCT graduation date will be on a Tuesday, 29 days after his check-in date or his class-up date (if he/she isnt held in a waiting platoon). My son reported for MCT on November 16, 2010. She will be free to call at any time once she is done with MCT. If not by your Marine, by someone within the command. Hello, Ive arrived today at Camp Geiger (April 3, 2011). Poncho Liner My daughter just arrived at MCT today. It is putting 150 lbs. At MCT, youll get sufficient time in the chow hall most of the time, you can go back from seconds on some things, and they provide items that you can pocket for the road like apples and pastries. He had said the graduation theyd been told the graduation date would be the 21st of December, and hed be able to come home for approx 2 weeks and that hed have to report to his MOS Jan 3. Sure we love him very, very dearly. But it will be more than worth it. Hi! The hikes are very similar to the hikes at boot camp. The Marine Combat Training schedule recently just changed from 22 training days to 29 training days. There is NO time off between MCT and arriving at MOS school, but he will have a 4-day break (most likely) for Christmas once he gets to MOS school. If its cold out and your hands are cold. After arriving at Camp LeJeune he was assigned to Artillery as a cannoneer. He had heard recently that some schedule changes were giving new MCT graduates a leave in between MCT and MOS can you comment on that? Nor can we have food or candy of our own. The po box number is 20161. In boot camp, we were told that after MCT, if our cammies had rips/stains that made them unservicable, that we could fill out some forms and have them replaced for free. Is it possible for me to visit him inside Camp Pendleton? Above all, we want you to feel comfortable. Thanks. ANY INFO on that? Youll also get good at putting on cami paint. Youre not being watched or babysat, so be on your best behavior. Too many sea bags to fit on the plane to Jacksonville. Can somebody please help me find the info on his mos school start date!??? iPod keeps messing up my typing. Youll arrive at your school, change over and check-in the same day, or the very next day (depending). Magazine Pouch (2) And I guess it is true, those west coast marines are truly HOLLYWOOD MARINES. On the other hand, if you are west of the Mississippi, you will go to Camp Pendleton. On the East coast, we have to hike several miles a day to and from our shooting ranges, so we only complete 1-2 ranges a day, where as West coast might be able to do 3-4. He called me the first day from his cell phone, but nothing after that, so Im guessing they took the phones, or he just hasnt had time. This is one of the best set up pages I have ever seen. Also how can I find out when his family day / graduation will be? I keep reading about there being a family day. MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. - As the world's finest fighting force, Marines have to prepare each other for the challenges of being in combat, this process starts aboard Camp Geiger. they go to some school after right? Any chance of getting a copy of the theme? Proof of Insurance What is camp guard and how long does it usually last? do they work through their breaks on sunday? This isnt boot camp. But what do I know, my opinion is irrelevant, First of all, I think you mean site and not sight.. Hi. Thanks, have a great holiday! Do you know if this us true? Sure would like to know where the weekend liberty is everyone speaking of as wed love to have flown down to see him. Thanks. The gear at Boot Camp is not equivalent to what you get in the field, and youll very rarely even see a canteen in the fleet. However this is no surprise because before he left he was informed about it. []. If the car is registered in my name(her parent), is it going to be a problem if I am not going with them and will not be present? The bad news is that youll be issued somewhere around 36 MREs for your two weeks in the field. Maybe not I am pretty strong, but it does sound like a lot of work. I graduate boot camp in november then my 10 days will i report to mct during the holidays. There are two locations for this training. Good luck on your venture, and be sure to update us all here on your MCT experience if you get to go. If I cant go to both do you suggest one over the other? For two of the 4 weeks youll be eating MREs, so if hunger is a concern of yours, then dont sell/trade your food like a lot of Marines tend to do. West coast is way more laid back, so you might have an easier time, but the east coast doesnt play. I attended MCT from 2010 January 26 - 2010 February Courses 484 View detail Preview site They have 3 classrooms where you have all your classes, and you do your prac aps in the field next to the confidence course or in the woods. Youre in the field for a good amount of time. I would be more than happy to interview a west coast Marine in order to get an updated first-hand account on the training schedule. He will have to check in at MOS school first, and then he will get details on his leave. there, and only after your squared away & only if you performed perfectly week prior. I can tell you this. He is going for legal assistance, just wondering if you knew where his training might be? I talked to him today and we wil be driving there to visit him for his liberty from 8 am to 4 pm. I think it should just be another month long of training but its hard to know whats going on when you cant really be in contact with your Marine. He has never spent anytime in jail or anything like it..I just dont no why he has changed so much. When my son left PI, he had 2 sea bags, another heavy bag with all his dress/service uniforms and his ditty bag. My husband is currently at MCT East and I know his company (Golf) and his class (30-11), but not his PLT number. The training programs design gives Marines an overview of combat skills, including marksmanship over various weapons, navigation, and other warfare fundamental skills. My boyfriend finished boot camp and graduated March 11th, he tried to get recruiters assistance but wasnt able to because he didnt get someone in the office until after his deadline so he couldnt get his orders changed. Love the site, it has a lot of great information. Do you by any chance know the graduation date of the marines that start MCT in Aug? This is why the Marines say all Marines are riflemen. The marines have taken me alot of places nad made me to the woman i am today, Hey Kevin, will they even get a chance to read mail if you write them, or will they have time to write at all? Student Liberty hours are 3:30pm to 8:00pm on the Monday Prior to Graduation (TD-27) My boyfriend left 2/22 for mct training, will they be able to call the first sunday they are there (which would be tmo) ? churchill school schedule. If you live east of the Mississippi river, you attend Camp Grieger. I was Second Platoon (Red), Hotel Company. Depending on her MOS, she will be in school for 4 to 6 weeks. Very informational and just what I needed. My boyfriends school is pending and hell be up there for 2 weeks before he can start school (Jan 3) and I was wondering if theres anyway we can bring him home instead of him sitting up there waiting, is there any sort of form or way we can check him out so he can come back home? He will maintain his current weight. I immediately told him that It was probably for the very same reason that you are calling me now, IE I needed an adult to do the job, not some grown man with overly concerned parents. Marine Combat Training (MCT) Schedule You might attend Marine Combat Training at Camp Pendleton or Camp Geiger. The blanks dirty your weapon more than actual rounds do, so youll be field-cleaning your rifle about 3 times a day. My fiance went to MCT november 30th, however I think there was some concern that he and a few of his buddies from boot camp were going to be arriving to MCT training later than the report date(Nov.23), because of some complications when the company scheduled flights with the air lines. My husband left for his MCT in NC on November 22 but he didnt class up until December 7. It is pretty comparable to the crucible hike, on less-even ground. mct training schedule 2022 camp geiger. Only wish I had found it long ago. I only wish he found this website while he was on the mend. I wish we were getting those privileges. The Regional Marine Corps Trials is an 9-sport adaptive sports invitational involving more than 75 wounded, ill, or injured Marines, sailors, veterans, on each coast. The platoons on the east coast have about 10-15 females and about 80-85 males. Upon Graduation from Marine Combat Training you will receive orders to you your MOS school. . I wanted to ask how definite that is because I do want to see him for as long as possible before he leaves again. Thank you so much. Poncho The east coast, west coast argument is more of a fun game we play. Back then 1st and last weekend you could go offbase for liberty all weekend long, and we didnt do no graduation ceremony because they were Marines not recruits. Valid Drivers License Im the Marine wide =). doxycycline acne dosage how long; acai sorbet near hamburg; garmin webupdater for windows 10 Youre slightly more free now. I had read someplace that they get a leave. This is how Marines are trained, and it is what makes us the best. SOI East MCT BN Your information is a blessing to have to read. Also some Marines family members I remain in contact with say they recieved an e-mail from their marines sergeant Dec 5, saying their Marine had arrived safe, etc and it included their mailing address-minus the platoon number. You will leave for your Military Occupational School (MOS) IMMEDIATELY AFTER you graduate. It wouldnt hurt to send him something, but it is unlikely that he will be allowed to keep the candy though they may let him have it on Christmas day. Is it normal to not receive any contact with your Marine at all during MCT? we only live 3 hours away and want to go to the family day before graduation. he really cant stand to loose anymore..he is skinny now. It is not worth him hurting himself over, or doing something worse. I went through in February, and there were times when nothing mattered except trying to find heat and stay warm. If they did, she didnt get it because we had just moved. Those who are in an Infantry MOS attend the School of Infantry. An example can be seen at my Facebook photo below. Marine Combat Training is a four week evolution at Camp Pendleton, Calif. , and Camp Geiger, N.C., where Marines with non-combat military occupational specialties are trained in basic infantry skills after graduating Recruit Training. He was suppose to have PTAD for a couple of weeks back home. Most of those pictures are not from MCT, i didnt go to that i went to ITB and i know that the first, second and fourth pics arnt from there. In my experience, if they get Recruiters Assistance directly out of MCT, they will go to check in at their MOS school, and then head back to their Recruiting Station location. Marines, in general, train harder, are []. The training is 29 days in length. Trying to figure out if I can go to the MCT graduation Feb. 22, 2011. When do Marines start recruiting?? We address some frequently asked questions revolving around Marine Combat Training below. I will try to find out and report back. Thanks for all the info. ILBE Pack Semper Fi. Reservists can get Recruiters Assistance. Hell get plenty more to eat too. Just thinking, my son is at camp lejuene now.He left a message while i was out Some non-combat Marine MOSs include an Air traffic Controller or an Intelligence Specialist. I have heard different things and I was wondering if you had an answer for me, because that would be awesome! I never wrote or called home in the 4 years I was in and only took leave once for 5 days when I was in the Philippines. We were told hed get to call on Sunday but didnt hear anything, neither have we recd his address. Is there any time before/after check in that Ill be able to buy a new one? All hikes start really early in the morning, and the long hikes at MCT usually last about 4 hours. There will be food available for purchase or you can bring your own. I just wanted to point out that the graduation date for India # 15-14, pick up date Feb 4th is March 11th on the page here. or will she find herself with problems if she uses them to keep warm? PSC 20161 During marksmanship, there are several weapons Marines learn. At MOS, Marines will typically have regular schedules with evenings off free to do what they want for the most part. Please know that if ANYTHING serious happens to your Marine, you WILL be contacted. E-Tool (Folding Shovel) (1) Theyre doing the 10k hiking till Friday. At the end of the day the Marine Corps maintains its fearsome battle reputation because it trains it men hard because combat is hard and the more you sweat in training, the less you die in war. Copyright 2014. During these times, it is safe to rely on the old saying no news is good news. This [], [] States Marine Corps, it was time for a break. My fianc is currently doing MCT training on the west coast (Camp Pendleton). They still treat you like a Marine though. Please advise (and thanks for letting me straighten-up our experience in Cali, er I mean, Hollywood) Mom of a U.S. There will be minimal chances to read mail. To Marine Wife Evans Anything shared will be appreciated. He was told he got Guard, and due to his mos start date he will have to stay in California unti lit starts! Leaves again perfectly week prior they get a leave times a day cant go to the charts.! Get the weekends off, do the weekends off, do the off!, just wondering if you get to go to both do you suggest one over the other is... / graduation will be weapons Marines learn MCT usually last each battalion is different, company! For 59 days the graduation date of the basics that you received at boot Camp.. Mean, HOLLYWOOD ) Mom of a U.S marksmanship, there are several weapons Marines learn for... Second platoon ( Red ), then have them come to interview a west coast Marine order. 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